Purchase Magic Pack XS Maleficent Free Fall Hack Mod Tool Creator Disney For Free Buy Cheap

Tool Creator Disney For Free Buy Cheap Maleficent Free Fall


  1. notices - I love the game, but how come when you need to ask a question of support all you get are a list of questions, none of which is the one I want to ask... so I’ll ask it here. I’m at the end of all the levels which isn’t a bad thing because I know how hard it is to create these. BUT! Why do you introduce that piggy bank with 700 in it. And you can’t access it until you have 1000 in it. Why do you put it out there before you put the new levels up? The first time I thought.. oh well I just got ahead of them. The 2nd and 3rd time I’m starting to think this is planned on your part. If it is, I’ll stop playing. It’s aggravating when being a dedicated player that I can’t access this. And the last 3 times, the piggy bank expired and suddenly there were new levels!
  2. publish Date - 2014-05-15
  3. publisher - Disney
  4. Genre - Puzzle
  5. iphone
  6. size - 338,12 Megabytes
  7. language - Russian


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